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Tim Bolen's interview with Christine McPhee on The Touch of HealthMarch 11, 2000
Touch of Health pushes quack AIDS and Cancer curesWIC radio talk show host, Christine McPhee, is angry at me because she doesn't like anyone to have the right to complain, or interfere with the content of her oft maligned radio show known as The Touch of Health. Well, I wonder why, too.Journalists' codes of ethics demand that they accept criticism and do everything they can to respond to the complaint. Well, I've complained many times over the last year to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council and they have done bupkas about McPhee, and her steady parade of medical and psychiatric quacks with their mega vitamins, chelation therapies, remote healing, and $10 urine tests to diagnose adrenal insufficiency, not to mention the barrage of anti-vaccine chiropractors and dentists that she works with hand in cheek to help them promote their practices and dangerous ideas, all in the name of corporate profit. Christine's started with a quick word about the Total Health 2000 show on March 18-19 at the Toronto Convention Centre. Of course her show had the ridiculous disclaimer about consulting your own doctor, heard under the loud music at the introduction to the show. This week's show was from a Wholesale Vitamin Outlet in Markham.
Majid Ali will be there. He's a surgeon-allergist and immune specialist. He's going to be talking about fibromyalgia reversal of dysfunctional oxygen metabolism and recovery and that will be on Sunday. He will also be speaking about chelation therapy. There will be Paul Cutler who will also speak about chelation. Here's an interesting doctor coming up. In the Washington Post will be printing him on March 12th - the front page. A Tulsa, Oklahoma doctor, Davis will be there. He's a controversial AIDS researcher. Dr. Davis is the developer or, LISTEN TO THIS, a GOAT serum to fight AIDS. So he'll be talking about his antibody formula and how it arrests HIV cells. And his lecture will be Saturday at 10:15, and also Sunday at 1:30. I'm sure that you can probably pick up tapes or any further information. Let me give you that phone number at 416-490-0986 for further information about the convention or guest speakers. |
It's Tim Bolen time - For lack of a better term he's the publicist for Hulda Regehr ClarkAnd furthermore, we're going to talk more about some of the guest speakers that are going to be there. One of the controversial DOCTORS will be there, doctor Hulda Clark, and best to represent her is public relations manager Tim Bolen. Tim Bolen is on the line with me.
CM: Tim Hello......(long pause) Tim will you be able to tell me about Hulda Clark, and about her purpose and what she's gonna be discussing in her lecture at the Total Health conference. Dr. Clark operates on the theory that there is something wrong in our environment, and if we can keep our bodies cleaned out Chris, clean it out and keep it cleaned out that we wouldn't have these problems with diseases. She has a huge world-wide following, and those people that pick up her protocol from one of her books and DO WHAT SHE SAYS TO THE LETTER, are having AMAZING SUCCESS in getting rid of various types of diseases, with primarily cancers. She has a big following in the cancer community. People have tried everything else, or course now they're on their way.
CM: Listen Tim, this is definitely not accepted by mainstream medicine. How come doctors or medical doctors don't accept this, and have they challenged her research or any of her findings? Now, one has to understand that doctor Clark spent 50 some years in research in the United States' university system, retiring from the University of Indiana where she and her team had been doing both AIDS and cancer research. This is a woman who has the proper PhD, she has the proper background for research. And I frankly know she knows what she's talking about. I believe in her research completely, and I think that what she is, this is the future of medicine right now! She's not alone in this either Chris. Many people out there in, what is known as the alternative community, are looking at exactly what Clark is looking at from different viewpoints, and I think that this is the future of health in North America, right here with Clark and others who thinks like she does. As far as I'm concerned there's a health hero of the year 2000. They're going to take us into the next millenium without cancer, and I think that's important.
CM: Now, Dr. Clark was arrested on warrant charges in San Diego in September 20, 1999. How does that bring any merit to her at all?
September 20th Dr. Clark was picked up by the FBI in San Diego, her residence on a fugitive warrant from Indiana, to everyone's surprise. It seems that 7 years earlier, when she had retired from the University of Indiana, she went out and done her own research protocol involving HIV and AIDS, and was looking for people who had tested HIV positive, asked them to go through a 6 week protocol, and they had gone back down to the laboratory after 6 weeks. Frankly they were testing HIV negative, which was pretty much being whatever that means. The State showed up wondering what she was doing. She was just about finished with that because there weren't that many AIDS patients there. --- Folded up her tent, retired and to California and Tijuana and never heard any more, until as such time that her books became popular. Then suddenly they issued a warrant. What' interesting is that the prosecutor who had issued that warrant had recently married the woman investigator from the case 7 years earlier. Uhm and she couldn't get anybody else to prosecute. When we exposed that in the media, the prosecutor had to resign, and the judge has resigned. It's a big scandal in Indiana, Chris, as it should be.
CM: Wow. Well listen, thanks very much. When is she going to be at the lecture? She will have a booth there for her books, and we are arranging some book signings. Her supporters is a huge support group of supporters in Canada, and they're all welcome to meet with her and get their picture taken, and I'll be there right along side of her, so Chris stop by so we can meet. CM: Thanks very much Tim. WE URGE EVERYBODY TO PURSUE GOOD HEALTH, blending wisely the use of alternative health practices with conventional medicine, and make the best of both worlds.
Hulda Clark's publicist Patrick Timothy ("Tim") Bolen's attack on Dr. Terry PolevoyIn August 2000, a concerted effort was apparently hatched by certain individuals to destroy the professional career of one of Canada's leading experts on cancer quackery, Dr. Terry Polevoy of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.The barrage began with a group of e-mails from Tim and Jan Bolen's address that were directed to the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario). The date of the Bolen e-mails was August 12, 2000. Either Tim Bolen came up with the idea, or was directed by Hulda Clark to do it, or he was doing it on behalf of Christine McPhee, a radio talk-show host here in Canada who had recently been ousted from her Saturday afternoon alternative radio show, The Touch of Health. Bolen had been a guest on McPhee's show to promote the wacko cancer treatments and theories of Hulda Clark after she had been arrested in California. When complaints were made about the content of some of McPhee's shows over the previous year, it is possible that McPhee got together with Bolen to plan the attack against Polevoy. On August 16, 2000 Christine McPhee's letter arrived at the CPSO headquarters with exactly the same wording as Tim and Jan Bolen's e-mails. E-mails followed from many others over the next 11 days including Richard Copeland, Craig Zee, Gordon Corp., Sharon Birzvilkis, Jeanne Gagne, Todd Gastaldo, and Julian Winston. Gerald Foye sent a letter from California where both Dr. Polevoy and Dr. Stephen Barrett were accused of being "either unbalanced fanatics or the attraction of subversive finances to support their affairs is greater than their moral conscience". Todd Gastaldo, a chiropractor who has a history of behaving badly on the internet, sent a disjointed e-mails about chiropractic to the CPSO, and accused Dr. Polevoy of being a murderer. I believe that his psychiatrist in Oregon is still looking after his needs to this very day. The CPSO deliberated for months until April 6, 2001 when they rendered their final decision.
Questionable promotions and interviews by Christine McPhee
More lies and personal attacks triggered by Tim Bolen and Christine McPhee
Christine McPhee files false report with the Waterloo Regional PoliceOn March 17, 2000 the Waterloo Regional Police, acting on complaints from Christine McPhee and possibly others, completed their investigation of Dr. Terry Polevoy. Two detectives arrived at his house in the evening to interview him and then rendered their conclusion that there was absolutely no basis for the complaints filed.
Terry Polevoy's Declaration re: Tim Bolen, Hulda Clark et. al. lawsuitPatrick Timothy Bolen, aka Tim Bolen, and his wife Jan, made certain false allegations in various e-mails, on web sites, and in posts on the internet about myself and others. None of these allegations have any basis in fact. They are defamatory. He orchestrated a campaign to take my medical license away, and to destroy me personally and professionaly. He consorted with others to do the same. He also made personal threats against me, and encouraged others to do physical harm to myself and others.
Articles focusing on Christine McPhee controversy